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SW developer (web, desktop, enterprise, embedded)

Place of work

Olomouc / Uherské Hradiště / Vsetín / Zlín

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Popis pozice

Co tě u nás čeká?

  • Staneš se součástí týmu SW vývojářů, architektů a testerů.
  • Budeš rozvíjet a udržovat současné softwarové řešení zákazníka nebo navrhovat a realizovat nové.
  • Každodenní spolupráce a komunikace s ostatními členy týmu i s kolegy z jiných oddělení uvnitř společnosti našeho zákazníka.

Popis pozice _

Co budeš pro tuto pozici potřebovat?

  • Vysokoškolské vzdělání technického směru, nejlépe ve vývoji software.
  • Předchozí zkušenosti s vývojem software.
  • Znalost agilních metodik.
  • Znalost angličtiny na úrovni B2.
  • Řidičský průkaz skupiny B 
  • Komunikativnost.

Používané jazyky a nástroje

C++, C#, Delphi, Python, Rust, TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, SQL a další, to vše na backendu, frontendu nebo desktopových, mobilních či embedded aplikacích.

Are you interested in this position?

Call or write to Pavel from HR. If you also send your CV you will speed up the process.

Pavel Vanča

Pavel VančaHR specialist+420 730 539 649kariera@edhouse.cz

Your CV will be assessed first by our HR and one of our colleagues, team leaders. If your profile interests us, we will contact you with an invitation to a personal meeting. We will always give you feedback even if your profile does not match the currently offered job positions.

I am interested in the position


Free time/well-being

  • 25 days of vacantion
  • 2 sick days
  • Pluxee

We like being together

  • teambuildings
  • sports activities
  • company events


  • above-standard salaries
  • profit share
  • annual bonuses


  • guilds
  • Ed Connect
  • language courses

How does it work here _

Selection process

  1. Before the interview

    Your CV will first be reviewed by our HR and one of our team leaders. If your profile interests us, we will contact you to invite you for a personal meeting.

    We always give you feedback, even if your profile doesn't match the current offered positions.

  2. At the interview

    The interview is more comprehensive to ensure we correctly define the details and possibilities of our collaboration. You will also get a tour of the company to give you a sense of the work environment.

    During the interview, you’ll be given a practical task that helps us identify suitable opportunities for the role and spark discussions.

  3. On boarding

    Then if we’ve agreed, we'll be in touch with you. We'll inform you about everything important, including the draft contract, before you start.

    During the onboarding process, you will receive training on the company's operations as well as lunch with the team. For newcomers, we have a plan to help you adapt to your new working environment.

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